大连医科大学附属第二医院 大连医大第二医院,大连医大附二院,连医大附二院


    急诊科创建成于1987年,是我院重要的窗口单位,目前已发展成为一个多学科、多专业的综合性科室,急诊科开设急诊内科,急诊外科,急诊儿科,急诊神经科,急诊眼科,急诊耳鼻喉,急诊口腔科,急诊皮肤科,为患者提供24小时服务,急诊科分急救区、急诊区、急诊清创室;急诊病房;并配备急诊检验、急诊超声、急诊放射科(平片及CT)等辅助科室.目前科内共有医护人员百余人,以中华急诊医学常务委员孙树杰教授为带头人的专业教师18人,其中教授2人,副教授4人,讲师7人,助教5人,均具有丰富的临床工作、教学和科研经验。现拥有现代化的急救医疗设备,拥有较完善的EMSS系统,24小时畅通的绿色通道,对急腹症、多发伤等外科危重症;急性心肌梗死、恶性心律失常等心血管急症及有机磷等多种农药以及药物中毒进行及时而准确的诊断和治疗,并具备对脑出血的病人实行急诊微创置管血肿清除术的能力;尤其对突发的公共卫生事件(集体食物中毒、呼吸道传染病的流行、灾难性事故致多人外伤)有很强的应对能力。病房现有床位18张,配备先进的仪器设备,每年收治患者400余人,成功救治许多危重疾患。 在教学方面,承担了多层次、多地区的教学任务,实行研究生、本科生、进修生三条教育轨道。孙树杰主任组织主讲的国家继续教育项目;急诊微创或定向置软管救治脑出血新技术学习班,已被列为中华医学会继教项目和国家“十一五”科技支撑计划,每年两期,为社会培养了大量的相关人才。在科研方面开展以高血压、脑出血、微创救治为主的基础与临床应用方面研究,承担了多项国家、省市级科研课题,获多项国家省市科技进步奖,成功地成立了我院急诊医学教研室,并正式给医科院校讲授《急诊医学》这门课程 ,填补了我校在这方面的空白。总之急诊科为大连医科大学附属第二医院融医疗、教学、科研、预防为一体的综合性科室。 急诊科主任孙树杰,男,48岁,教授医学博士,硕士研究生导师。现任中华急诊医学常务委员、《中华急诊医学杂志》编委,卫生行业医疗救护员国家职业专家委员会委员、辽宁省自然科学基金评审专家。在脑血管疾病的救治方面上有相当的造诣,尤其是对高血压脑出血的床边微创置管救治,在国内一直居于领先地位,是国内知名的急诊医学专家。龙晓风,女,43岁,硕士,教授,硕士研究生导师,擅长心血管疾病的诊治以及各种内科疾病的急救。宋瑞峰,男,40岁,副教授,擅长泌尿外科疾病的诊治及多发伤、各种创伤的急救及危重症的监测、救治。陈艳,女,36岁,副教授,擅长创伤美容方面的诊治。张会超,男,37岁,擅长急诊多发伤救治。

    Originally founded in 1958, the emergency department is one of the key departments in the hospital, which has combined with multiple departments and specialties. The doctors from internal medicine, surgery, pediatric, neurology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology, dermatology in emergency serve the patients all day and night. The emergency is divided into first-aid area、district emergency、debridement emergency room、emergency ward, and is equipped with laboratory, ultrasound, x-ray and et,al. Currently the emergency employs nearly a hundred staff, including 18 doctors with the leadership of Professor Sun Shujie, standing committee of the Chinese emergency medicine. Among those doctors, 2 have senior professional titles, 4 have medium-grade professional title, 7 have lecturer title and 5 have assistant title. They are well trained in clinical care, education and scientific research. With several advanced imported facilities, EMSS system and 24-hour open green channel we can diagnose and treat surgical critical care such as acute abdomen ,multiple injuries;cardiovascular emergency such as acute cardiac infarction ,malignant arrhythmia; pesticide poisoning and drug poisoning such as organophosphorus poisoning and so on. We have the ability to practice aspiration of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma by minimally invasive tube, and especially deal with the sudden public health incidents(collective food poisoning、the prevalence of respiratory diseases、more trauma caused by catastrophic accidents).With a capacity of accommodation of more than 18 inpatients, the ward receives a total of more than 400 inpatients annually, and has saved many serious lives. Apart from engaging in clinical teaching of different domestic fields at different levels, the emergency department also undertakes national continuing medical education programs organized by Director Sun Shujie. The courses of aspiration of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma by minimal-trauma simple-stereotactic installed tube, state key projects designated by the Ministry of Science and Technology and continuing medical education of Chinese Medical Association, six times a year, have trained up a number of technicians on this field. The department has also carried out basic and clinical research applications on hypertetion, cerebral hematoma, and minimally invasive treatment, which include researches funded by national and the Liaoning provincial scientific and educational authority. In recent years, the department has won technological advancement or accomplishment awards conferred by the State, the Liaoning provincial authority and the Dalian municipal authority. The department has established Emergency Teaching and Research Section in the hospital, and has taught emergency formally in the medical school first. In a word, encompassing clinical care, education and scientific research, emergency department is a comprehensive department in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University. Director of emergency department Sun Shujie, male, 48, professor, MD, master instructor, holding the office of the current standing committee of the Chinese Emergency Medicine, editorial board” Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine”, professional staff member of Health and medical industry career member of the national committee of experts, assessment expert of Liaoning Province Natural Science Foundation at present, is skilled in cerebrovascular diseases. He is a famous emergency medical expert, whose technologies have reached the advanced level domestically on aspiration of hypertensive intracerebral hematoma by minimally invasive tube beside bed. Long Xiaofeng, female, 43, master, professor, master instructor, is good at cardiovascular disease and emergency medical diseases. Song Ruifeng,male,40, associate professor, is good at in urological diseases, multiple injuries, a variety of first aid and trauma critical care monitoring and cure.Chenyan,female,36, associate professor, is excel in beauty trauma treatment. Zhang Huichao, male, 37, is excel in emergency treatment of multiple injuries.

科室医生 更多


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