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曾昭冲 曾昭冲
放疗科 上海中山医院
患者印象 医术精湛 态度好 热情待人




曾昭冲,男,主任医师,教授,现任复旦大学中山医院放疗科主任,1962年9月出生,博士研究生导师,2001年7月开始主持中山医院放射治疗科工作至今。 1986年福建医科大学毕业。1989年考取我国肿瘤学家汤钊猷院士的硕士研究生,在中山医院肝癌研究所从事肝癌的导向内放疗临床工作, 这项工作在1996年荣获卫生部科技成果三等奖(第三完成者)。2003年获首届上海市医学科技奖3等奖,2005年荣获上海市第6届临床医疗成果2等奖,2006年获教育部科技成果一等奖,均为第一完成者。2008年获得国家科学技术进步2等奖(第三完成者)。作为第一作者或通讯作者在国外具有高影响因子的SCI医学期刊发表论著20余篇,这些论著在肝癌放疗领域得到国内外同行的广泛引用。1994年-1996年、1999年两度赴美国学习,共计3年,在美国放射治疗最高研究机构RTOG(全美放射治疗协作组)主席Curran医生,和著名放射生物学家、国际放射研究学会主席Iliakis教授的共同指导下,学习放射生物学、内外放疗实验和临床工作。回国后,致力于肝癌的放射治疗研究,论证肝癌属于放射敏感肿瘤,开创性地开展肝癌患者淋巴结转移、门脉/下腔静脉癌栓、肾上腺转移的放射治疗,由此推动人们对肝癌放射治疗的重新认识,这些论文在国际著名的放射治疗专业杂志《国际放射肿瘤学??生物学?物理学》、《癌症杂志》、《欧洲核医学杂志》、《美国临床肿瘤杂志》上发表。被《Cancer》、《International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics》、《American Journal of Clinical Oncology》等多家美国著名的肿瘤杂志邀请为审稿人,负责肝癌方面的评审。2001年被RTOG主席Curran医生和放射生物学家Iliakis教授共同邀请为Thomas Jefferson大学医院放射肿瘤科客座教授。美国放射肿瘤学会(ASTRO)会员,中国抗癌协会临床肿瘤协作委员会委员、上海市放疗学会委员。作为第一作者在国外具有高影响因子的SCI医学期刊发表论著13篇,这些论著在肝癌放疗领域得到国内外同行的广泛引用。发表论著:(仅限于英文SCI论文)。 1. Zeng ZC, Zhang SM, Tang ZY, et al. Caffeine enhanced radiation-induced apoptosis in heptocellular carcinoma cell line. Cancer Clin Res (Peer-review). 2. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al. Consideration of the role of radiotherapy for unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma? ― a retrospective analysis of 75 patients. Cancer J 2006;14(2):113-122 3. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al. Consideration of the role of radiotherapy for lymph node metastases in patients with HCC ─ A retrospective analysis for prognostic factors from 125 patients. Int J Radiation Oncology Boil Phys 2005:63(4):1067-1076 4. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al. Radiation therapy for adrenal gland metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma. Jpn J Clin Oncol 2005;35(2):61-67 5. Zeng ZC, Fan J, et al: A comparison of treatment combinations with and without radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein and/or inferior vena cava tumor thrombus. Int J Radiation Oncology Boil Phys 2005 ;61(2):432-443 6. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al: A comparison of chemoembolization combination with and without radiotherapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer J 2004;10:307-316 7. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al: Radiation therapy for the locoregional lymph node metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma, phase I clinical trial. Hepato-Gastroenterology2004;51:201-207 8. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, et al: Comparison between radioimmunotherapy and external beam radiation therapy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med 2002;29:1657-68 9. Zeng ZC, Jiang GL, et al: DNA-PKcs subunits in radiosensitization by hyperthermia on hepatocellular carcinoma Hep G2 cell line. World J Gastroenterol 2002;8:797-803 10. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, Wu ZQ, et al: Phase I clinical trial of oral Futulon and combined hepatic arterial chemoembolization and radiotherapy in unresectable primary liver cancers, including clinicopathological study. Am J Clinical Oncol 2000;23(5): 449-454 11. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, Liu KD, et al: Improved long-term survival for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with a combination of surgery and intrahepatic arterial infusion of 131I-anti-HCC mAb. Phase I/II clinical trials. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1998;124(5):275-280 12. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, Liu KD, et al: Observation of changes of peripheral T lymphocyte subsets by flow cytometry in patients with liver cancer treated with radioimmunotherapy. Nucl Med Comm. 1995;16:378-385 13. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, Xie H, et al: Human anti-(Murine Ig) antibody responses in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma receiving intrahepatic arterial 131I-Hepama-1 mAb-Preliminary results and discussion. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 1994;39:332-336 14. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY. Changes of serum alpha fetoprotein before and after radioimmunotherapy in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Chin J Cancer Res [English] 1994;6:83-90 15. Zeng ZC, Tang ZY, Xie H, et al: Radioimmunotherapy for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma using 131I-Hepama-1 mAb: preliminary results. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 1993;119:257-259 16. Geng CX, Zeng ZC, et al: Docetaxel inhibits SMMC-7721 human hepatocellular carcinoma cells growth and induces apoptosis. World J Gastroenterol 2003;9:696-700 17. Wang H, Zeng ZC, Bui TA, et al. Efficient rejoining of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks in vertebrate cells deficient in genes of the RAD52 epistasis group. Oncogene. 2001;20(18):2212-24 18. Wang H, Zeng ZC, Perrault AR, et al. Genetic evidence for the involvement of DNA ligase IV in the DNA-PK-dependent pathway of non-homologous end joining in mammalian cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001;29(8):1653-60 19. Wang HC, Zeng ZC, Bui TA, et al: Nonhomologous End-Joining of Ionizing Radiation-induced DNA Double-Stranded Breaks in Human Tumor Cells Deficient in BRCA1 or BRCA2. Cancer Res 2001 ;61:270-277 20. Cheong N, Zeng ZC, Iliakis G. Evidence for factors modulating radiation-induce G2-delay: potential application as radioprotectors. Physica Medica 2001;17(s):205-209 21. Asaad NA, Zeng ZC, Iliakis G, et al: Homologous recombination as a potential target for caffeine radiosensitization in mammalian cells: reduced caffeine radiosensitization in XRCC2 and XRCC3 mutants. Oncogene 2000;19:5788-800 22. Steven JD, Zeng ZC, Iliakis G, et al: DNA-dependent protein kinase stimulates an independently active, nonhomologous, end-joining apparatus. Cancer Res 2000;60:1245-53 23. Hu B, Zhou XY, Wang X, Zeng ZC, Iliakis G, Wang Y. The radioresistance to killing of a1-5 cells derives from activation of the chk1 pathway. J Biol Chem. 2001;276(21):17693-8



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